
[S] Use S Weapon
[A] Use A Weapon
[Up Arrow] Move up.
[Right Arrow] Move right.
[Down Arrow] Move down.
[Left Arrow] Move left.
[Space] View Definitions.


Zelda is owned by Nintendo, I take no ownership of the game, "Zelda," or any of its musical, graphical and other types of assets.

The majority of the sprites used within this project were created using the (vector) image editor in Scratch's offline software. A few exceptions include the title screen artwork, which I created in flash. Additionally, I arranged the music, composed by Nintendo's Koji Kondo, as well as composed some short pieces for this game. Special thanks to Nintendo as well as for sound effects. This was a very fun project!

Created for my Intro to Digital Media Arts 2015 class.

      View project on scratch website here!