The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Metropolitan Museum of Art has a collection of over 26,000 Egyptian art pieces, ranging from 300,000 BCE - 400 ACE. Over half of these works were collected in the museum's archaeological work in Egypt.

The Brooklyn Museum

The Brooklyn Museum has an extensive Egyptian art collection including sculpture, relief, paintings, pottery, and papyri. Notable works include a 25-foot-long Book of the Dead scroll, a gilded statuette of Amunhotep III, a chlorite head of a Middle Kingdom princess, etc.

The British Museum

The British Museum boasts a large and elaborate Egyptian art collection including pieces like The Rosetta Stone; the sarcophagus of Nectanebo II, aka the last true pharaoh; and a colossal granite sculpture of King Ramesses II, the 'ruler of rulers.' Their website includes a helpful timeline for finding specific eras of Egyptian art.

The Egyptian Museum of Berlin

The Egyptian Museum of Berlin, a subset of the Neues Museum, is an institution entirely dedicated to Egyptian pieces. Popular attractions include a bust of Nefertiti, the wife of Akhenaton; three complete burial chambers; gold treasures of Queen Amanishakheto; and a collection of original manuscripts from the Papyrussammlung.

The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

Located in London, England, the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology contains over 80,000 pieces of Egyptian work.The museum was originally established as a teaching resource for the Department of Egyptian Archaeology and Philolgy. It is named after William Matthew Flinders Petrie, an Egyptologist and pioneer of systematic methodolgy in archaeology.

The Louvre Museum

Jean-Francois Champollion was appointed by King Charles X as the curator of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities at the Louvre in 1827. The Egyptian collection is distributed over two different floors, but not according to time period, as the heaviest pieces had to remain on the ground floor. Their collection includes the famous Seated Scribe, mentioned previously in the selected works home page.