Behold, the hypercube. Also known as the tesseract, or 8-cell.

With eight sides, this hypercube contains a massive amount of space within itself. Given that a regular cube is 4 in^3 (4 * 4 * 4 = 64 in), a hypercube is theoretically 4 in^4 (4 * 4 * 4 * 4 = 256 in). The hypercube holds four times as much space as a regular cube!

However, this hypercube isn't the real thing. It is only a projection of a real hypercube. The image above will give you a better understanding of what you're looking at. The shadow of the hypercube is being projected into 3-dimensional space so that we can view it. Just as the cube is projecting its shadow into 2-dimensional space in this image.

Would you like to discover the derivation of this hypercube?? Click here to unlock the secrets to the 4th spatial dimension!