Dungeons & Dragons for Dummies

Welcome Player!

Dungeons & Dragons (often abbreviated as D&D or dnd) is a fantasy table-top roleplaying game (RPG). The game is comprised of a Dungeon Master (DM) who narrators a story as players roleplay various encounters. The DM and players roll dice to determine the outcome of desired actions.

With over 40 years of history and various editions existing, it can be hard to find a good place to start. This site gives a brief how-to for players of Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition.This site helps new players create a character, learn basic rules, and provide other resources for the best adventure ever! All information is from D&D 5e’s Basic Rules. All information can be found in the Player’s Handbook (PHB).

D&D fun for everyone

Dungeons & Dragons is for everyone. Whatever you've heard about table-top roleplaying is wrong! D&D is meant for anyone. It cannot be denied predjuice and exclusion are present in the histories of many table-top games. However people of all sorts have been playing D&D since it's creation. Though some players may be sticklers for the rules, there is no wrong way to play make-believe with your friends. RPGs help develop creative thought, strengthen collaborative skills, and boost problem-solving abilities. Despite the title of this site, no one is a dummy when it comes to D&D. Everyone is simply on different parts of their own journey.